Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground Expansion - Buyer's Guide

Explore the cosmos like never before with Kerbal Space Program's Bringing Ground Expansion, adding new biomes, parts, and tools to the game. A must-have expansion for fans of the original game.
Fan-art of Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground Expansion

Kerbal Space Program’s second expansion, Breaking Ground, propels the beloved simulator into a realm of intricate science and exploration. Upon landing on celestial bodies, players can now deploy advanced scientific equipment for in-depth data collection and further examination back at Kerbin. The solar system reveals its secrets through scattered surface features like meteors and cryovolcanoes that demand exciting investigation via rovers or daring maneuvers by brave Kerbals. Breaking Ground also introduces versatile robotic parts, including hinges, pistons, rotors, and servo mechanisms, revolutionizing craft assembly and functionality with the aid of a new Robotics Controller System. Complementing these enhancements is an eye-catching futuristic suit that encapsulates the expansion’s focus on science while keeping players stylish in their cosmic endeavors.

Should I play Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground Expansion in 2024?

The good

  • Enhanced Gameplay: Players love the added complexity and opportunities for creativity, like creating centrifuges to test astronaut endurance.
  • New Parts and Tools: The expansion introduces new robotic parts, surface features, and scientific instruments, providing more depth to the base game.
  • Increased Replayability: The additional content keeps players engaged for longer, making it a worthwhile expansion for returning and new players alike.

The bad

  • Learning Curve: Some players find the new mechanics and parts challenging to master.
  • Potential Bugs: A few reviews mention occasional bugs or issues with the new features, though these do not seem to be widespread.


Strap on your space boots and get ready for another stellar adventure! 🚀 The Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground Expansion brings a treasure trove of new content and possibilities to an already beloved game. While there might be a slight learning curve and a few bugs, the overwhelming creativity and additional gameplay it offers make it a must-buy for any KSP enthusiast. So, yes, you should absolutely consider playing this game in 2024! 🌌

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground Expansion

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