Stellaris - Buyer's Guide

Explore the galaxy, build an empire, and navigate diplomatic relationships in this complex space strategy game, but beware of questionable business practices and reliance on AI.
Fan-art of Stellaris

Embark on a grand adventure across the galaxy, building and managing a thriving interstellar empire. Explore mysterious planets, forge alliances, and wage war with customizable fleets in a procedurally generated universe. With a wealth of customization options, from species traits to ship design, the possibilities are endless.

Should I play Stellaris in 2024?

The Good

  • Immersive Gameplay: Stellaris is lauded for its incredible depth and replayability. Many players have sunk thousands of hours into the game and still find it engaging.
  • Unique Space Strategy Experience: There’s simply no other game like Stellaris, combining elements of 4X strategy, grand strategy, and space exploration.
  • Modding Community: The modding community for Stellaris is vibrant and active, providing numerous enhancements and fixes.
  • Continuous Updates and Expansions: The game has evolved significantly since its release, thanks to frequent updates and new content.
  • Rich Storytelling and Lore: Players appreciate the game’s ability to weave intricate stories and create memorable experiences.

The Bad

  • Expensive DLCs: The high cost of DLCs and subscription services is a common grievance, with players pointing out that the game feels incomplete without them.
  • Steep Learning Curve: The tutorials are criticized for being inadequate, making the game challenging for new players to get into.
  • Unbalanced and Buggy: Some bugs and balance issues persist, which can be frustrating.
  • Content Paywalls: Essential game features are locked behind a paywall, making the base game feel somewhat empty.


Should you still buy or play Stellaris in 2024? Based on the reviews, here’s our fun and editorial answer:

🪐 To Infinity and Beyond—with Your Wallet! 🪐

Stellaris offers an unmatched space strategy experience that can consume countless hours of your life (in the best way). Its depth, storytelling, and continuous evolution make it a unique gem in the gaming universe. However, this star shines brightest when you’re prepared to navigate through the asteroid field of pricey DLCs. If you’re willing to invest in the additional content, you’re in for an epic journey. For those on a budget, the base game might leave you floating in space, longing for more.

In essence, Stellaris is a stellar (pun intended) game worth exploring—just be ready for some extra-terrestrial expenditures! 🚀✨

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Stellaris

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