Fallout 4 - Buyer's Guide

Explore a post-apocalyptic world in Fallout 4, but beware of the Next Gen update's devastating problems and Bethesda's shocking handling of the community.
Fan-art of Fallout 4

In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by nuclear war, Fallout 4 thrusts players into a massive open world where every second counts in the fight for survival. As the last hope of Vault 111, players must rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland, making choices that impact the entire world. With unparalleled freedom, a complex character system, and stunning next-gen graphics, Fallout 4 redefines the open-world gaming experience.

Should I play Fallout 4 in 2024?

The good

Fallout 4 has managed to captivate players with its expansive open world, engaging gameplay mechanics, and the sheer freedom it offers. The game’s shooting mechanics have been praised for being a significant improvement over its predecessors, making it more accessible and enjoyable. Players love the power armor, the various companions with distinct personalities, and the ability to build and customize settlements. The modding community has also breathed new life into the game, providing countless additions and improvements. Many players have sunk hundreds to thousands of hours into this post-apocalyptic adventure, testifying to its replayability and enduring appeal.

The bad

Despite its many strengths, Fallout 4 is not without its flaws. Common complaints include persistent bugs and glitches that sometimes affect main quests, breaking the flow and immersion of the game. Some players find the writing and main storyline lacking, with uninteresting quests and a general sense of missed potential. Performance issues, particularly in downtown Boston, and the game’s reliance on mods to fix problems are also notable downsides.


Fallout 4 in 2024? Absolutely, strap on that Pip-Boy and dive in! 🕹️ While the game does have its fair share of bugs, Bethesda’s post-apocalyptic world remains a compelling playground for exploration, combat, and customization. The modding community has always got your back with endless enhancements. If you’ve ever dreamed of surviving a wasteland or just want to get lost in a complex, engaging, and highly replayable universe, Fallout 4 is a ride worth taking, glitches and all. Prepare for the unpredictable adventure that awaits! 🎮✨

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Fallout 4

Top image is not real in-game screenshots. Fan-art made by Gamer.se. Some game metadata is coming from RAWG