Factorio - Buyer's Guide

Explore Factorio, an immersive factory-builder with strategic depth and addictive gameplay. A must-play for fans of strategy and simulation.
Fan-art of Factorio

Explore the industrial wonder of Factorio, an intricate factory-building simulator that immerses players in a world brimming with resource extraction and technological advancement. As pioneering engineers, you’ll evolve from basic tree chopping to erecting colossal solar fields, oil refineries, and automated robotic armies, all while contending with the planet’s protective inhabitants. Cooperative multiplayer adds depth as collaborative projects unfold through a multitude of customizable mods. With scenarios for every taste and an in-game map editor allowing personalized gameplay, Factorio stands alone in its logistics mastery.

Should I play Factorio in 2024?

The good

The overwhelming consensus from the reviews is that Factorio is a highly addictive, brilliantly designed masterpiece. Players rave about the game’s capacity to consume hours, days, and even years of their lives in the most satisfying way possible. The phrase “the factory must grow” captures the obsession that Factorio can instill, with its deep mechanical and electrical engineering pursuits, engaging gameplay loop, and intricate systems. The game’s soundtrack and co-op features, as well as its strong modding community, are additional highlights. Many reviews emphasize the endless opportunities for learning and optimization, making Factorio not just a game, but a perpetual challenge.

The bad

A few reviewers note minor shortcomings, such as limited technology tree aspects or unplayable controls on the Steam Deck. Some mention the potentially destructive aspect of its addictive nature, comparing it to a form of digital crack, and noting its ability to intrude on their dreams and daily lives. One user mentioned the loss of personal relationships due to the game’s engrossing nature, but it’s mostly mentioned in a humorous context.


If you have even a passing interest in factory-building or strategy games, Factorio is an absolute must-play in 2024. The overwhelmingly positive reviews recount a game that’s not just engaging but transformative, offering boundless depth and near-endless replayability. Just be prepared to lose track of time (and maybe sleep) as the factory inevitably grows. This game isn’t just recommended; it’s essential. Don’t wait any longer – dive into Factorio and let your industrial empire flourish! 🚀🛠️

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Factorio

Top image is not real in-game screenshots. Fan-art made by Gamer.se. Some game metadata is coming from RAWG