Broken Edge - Buyer's Guide

Experience fantasy swordplay in VR as legendary fighters, master martial arts, and duel online with low price, overcoming multiplayer issues.
Fan-art of Broken Edge

Broken Edge invites you into a VR realm of fantasy swordplay, pitting you against opponents in fierce one-on-one duels. This game allows you to slip into the shoes of legendary fighters such as a formidable Samurai, a gallant Knight, or a wild Rōnin, with more choices yet to come. Every fighter brandishes a unique weapon and boasts a distinct combat style and stance. The game challenges you to master their martial arts, harness the power of your blade, and vanquish your enemies online. With options like Knight, Samurai, Duelist, Rōnin, Pirate, Viking, Persian, Barbarian, and Tyrant, you can choose a fantasy tailored to your preferred fighting style. In Broken Edge, your sword responds to your every move, allowing you to skillfully block attacks, shatter your adversary’s weapon upon impact, and launch your own assaults. Train in the dojo, play solo, or join the global competition to ascend the online ranks.

Should I play Broken Edge in 2024?

The good

Gamers are singing praises for Broken Edge for its innovative and engaging combat system that stands out in the VR space. Reviewers highlight the game’s unique mechanical depth and applaud its dynamic duels. The cel-shaded graphics add a visually appealing flair, contributing to an immersive VR experience that keeps players coming back for more. Players also rave about the fun and fluid multiplayer sword fighting, which is a rare achievement in VR games.

The bad

A notable critique is the lack of controller stick-based turning and movement options, which can be a drawback for players with limited physical space.


Should you still buy or play this game in 2024? Absolutely! 🎮🗡️ The vast majority of gamers find Broken Edge to be a thrilling and uniquely captivating VR experience. While there is a minor gripe about the movement controls, the game’s innovative combat and engaging multiplayer battles far outweigh this issue. Don your VR headset and get ready for some epic duels—Broken Edge is a must-have for any VR enthusiast!

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Broken Edge

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