Fallout 76 - Buyer's Guide

Explore post-apocalyptic West Virginia in Fallout 76, overcoming challenges and rebuilding society. It's fun with friends, but beware of grindy gameplay and technical issues. For fans of the series or co-op gaming.
Fan-art of Fallout 76

In the ravaged landscape of post-apocalyptic West Virginia, a new era of exploration and survival begins. Twenty-five years after the devastating nuclear war, you emerge from Vault 76 as one of the chosen few, tasked with rebuilding a shattered world. With a vast open world to discover, you’ll encounter a cast of complex characters, forge alliances, and face off against formidable foes. The dynamic landscape is alive with seasonal changes, special events, and limited-time challenges that reward progression and exploration. Craft your own legend through the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. character system and master the Construction and Assembly Mobile Platform (C.A.M.P.) to build, trade, and thrive in this treacherous new world. New frontiers await in Appalachia, where the ancient and the experimental converge in a gaming experience that redefines the Fallout franchise.

Should I play Fallout 76 in 2024?

The Good

Despite the numerous criticisms, Fallout 76 has managed to carve out a niche, particularly among die-hard fans of the Fallout series. Some users appreciate the game’s atmosphere, which retains the distinctive post-apocalyptic feel of the Fallout universe. Players who enjoy the base-building and crafting mechanics might find some fun here, and there are moments when the game provides an immersive experience, albeit inconsistently. Fans also note that technical updates and patches have improved the game since its rocky launch, making it more enjoyable over time.

The Bad

The negative feedback is both voluminous and specific. Key points include:

  • Technical Issues: Persistent bugs, server crashes, and lag affect gameplay.
  • Multiplayer Limitations: Poorly designed co-op mechanics forcing players to repeat quests.
  • Pay-to-Win Mechanics: Numerous microtransactions that feel very “in-your-face.”
  • Quest Design: Repetitive fetch quests and uninspired NPC dialogue.
  • Storage and Daily Limits: Restrictions on gameplay elements that frustrate players.
  • Mixed Single-player Experience: Some find it a weak imitation of previous titles, especially when played solo.


Should you still buy or play Fallout 76 in 2024? Well, if you’re a die-hard Fallout fan with a penchant for wasteland wandering and base-building, there might still be some joy to be found amid the ruins. For others, particularly those new to the series or looking for a robust multiplayer experience, Fallout 76 may feel more like a radioactive wasteland of frustration. The game has come a long way since its release, but it’s still far from perfect.

Bottom line: Proceed with caution. Use a Rad-X before diving in, and maybe wait for a sale to mitigate the potential buyer’s remorse. 🌵⚛️

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Fallout 76

Top image is not real in-game screenshots. Fan-art made by Gamer.se. Some game metadata is coming from RAWG