Cryptmaster - Buyer's Guide

Explore Cryptmaster, a unique puzzle-adventure game with witty humor and clever wordplay. Overwhelmingly positive reviews and engaging gameplay make it a must-play for 2024.
Fan-art of Cryptmaster

Restore the balance of the afterlife in Cryptmaster, a mind-bending quest where words yield unparalleled power. Imprisoned heroes, 4 souls strong, must escape a necromancer’s grasp, uncovering forgotten memories through whimsical puzzles, outlandish enemies, and lyrical battles. Will they survive, or succumb to the crypt’s immortal whispers?

Should I play Cryptmaster in 2024?

The good

Cryptmaster has garnered overwhelmingly positive reviews, and it’s easy to see why. The game delivers a unique, text-based RPG experience that stands out with its witty writing, charming black-and-white visual style, and cleverly designed wordplay mechanics. Reviewers have praised its distinctive style, engaging puzzles, and the variety of ways it keeps gameplay fresh, including fishing, riddle chests, and even a card game. Many appreciate that the game caters to different types of players by offering both real-time and turn-based combat options, making it accessible for those who might struggle with fast typing. Players love the well-crafted NPC interactions and world-building that keep them thoroughly entertained and invested in the storyline.

The bad

While the game has received immense praise, a few criticisms have surfaced. Some players found the combat to be repetitive and noted that the game could feel overly long, causing interest to wane. A couple of reviews mentioned that they got tired of the dialogue and felt the art style became monotonous after a while. There were also minor complaints about navigation within the game world and the occasional bug, though these seem to be addressed regularly.


Should you still buy or play Cryptmaster in 2024? Absolutely! 😃 With its innovative gameplay mechanics, engaging word puzzles, and delightful artistry, Cryptmaster offers a fresh take on the RPG genre that’s sure to be a hit for word-game enthusiasts and RPG fans alike. Minor flaws are overshadowed by the game’s overall charm and wit, making it a must-play. Dive into this cozy crypt and let the word puzzles ensnare your mind! 💀🔤

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Screenshot of Cryptmaster

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