College Kings 2 - Episodes 4 & 5 Moving Out - Buyer's Guide

Experience the thrilling conclusion to College Kings 2: 'Moving Out' with episodes 4 & 5, but be prepared for setbacks: buggy gameplay, poor storytelling, and high expectations, make this game not worth the investment in 2024.
Fan-art of College Kings 2 - Episodes 4 & 5 Moving Out

In the latest installment of College Kings 2, players are thrown into the midst of turmoil as the campus of San Vallejo College is left reeling from the aftermath of the fighting tournament. As the leaderless Apes and Wolves fraternities face off against the authorities, players are given the opportunity to forge their own path and shape the future of the school. With the Chicks frat house now available as a potential new home, players must decide whether to conform to the rules or stir up chaos. The stakes are high as tensions rise, and the fate of the fraternities hangs precariously in the balance. Akin to choosing which faction to support in a real-life struggle for power, players must navigate the treacherous landscape of SVC to emerge victorious. One wrong move could spell disaster, but the thrill of the game lies in the uncertainty, making each playthrough unique and unpredictable. With an immersive adult experience, graphic surprises await, and players’ preferences will be tested in this gripping double episode. The story of College Kings 2: ‘Moving Out’ is a gripping tale of power, loyalty, and desire, where the choices made will not only define the player’s own legend but also the future of the fraternities.

Should I play College Kings 2 - Episodes 4 & 5 “Moving Out” in 2024?

The good

Some reviewers have found the story to be “good” or “OK”, and a few have mentioned enjoying the game despite its flaws. One reviewer even mentioned that they had a good time playing with their favorite girls.

The bad

The majority of reviewers have expressed disappointment and frustration with the game. Common criticisms include:

  • Technical issues: lag, freeze, crash problems, and unskippable scenes
  • Shortened sex scenes and low-quality renders
  • Poor storytelling and character development
  • Unengaging gameplay and choices
  • Lack of progress and polish in the game’s development
  • High price tag for a relatively short and buggy game


Based on the reviews, I would not recommend buying this game in 2024. The technical issues and poor story development render this game unplayable and unenjoyable. Even if you’re a fan of the College Kings series, the disappointing experience and lack of polish make it not worth the investment.

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