Unpacking - Buyer's Guide

Unpacking: a relaxing indie game with a calming atmosphere, beautiful visuals, and engaging storyline. Perfect for unwinding and reducing stress. Should buy:
Fan-art of Unpacking

In this contemplative indie game, you embark on a journey of emotional unpacking as you meticulously arrange a mysterious character’s belongings across eight house moves. With every carefully placed vase and folded sock, uncover the secrets of your enigmatic protagonist and immerse yourself in the soothing gameplay, featuring no scores, timers or stress.

Should I play Unpacking in 2024?

The good

Unpacking has garnered an overwhelming amount of praise for its relaxing and calming gameplay, making it a perfect cozy game to unwind with. Reviewers consistently highlight its beautiful graphics and satisfying mechanics, which create a unique and pleasurable experience. The subtle, non-verbal storytelling has been noted as elegant and touching, offering a journey through different life stages with heartwarming authenticity. The ease of controls and the laid-back atmosphere make it accessible to a broad audience, from kids to grandparents. Additionally, the game is praised for its excellent sound design, even if some find the music a bit repetitive after long sessions.

The bad

A common thread in the reviews is the game’s length and its price relative to that length. Many players feel that the game is too short, with some finishing it in as little as two to three hours. Consequently, numerous reviewers suggest waiting for a sale, as the full price of $20 is considered steep for the amount of content offered. Once completed, the game offers little replay value, which further impacts its perceived worth.


So, should you dive into the world of Unpacking in 2024? Absolutely, but with a slight caveat 🎁. According to the glowing reviews, this game is an emotional and relaxing gem that excels in its storytelling and simplicity. However, given its brevity, you might want to snag it during a sale to get the most value for your money. If you love cozy, heartwarming games and don’t mind the short playtime, then Unpacking could be the perfect addition to your collection. Prepare to be charmed! 🌟🧳

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In-game Screenshot

Screenshot of Unpacking

Top image is not real in-game screenshots. Fan-art made by Gamer.se. Some game metadata is coming from RAWG